Hot Wheels wanted to go from a toy brand to a boy brand and ultimately become the favorite brand for vehicle loving boys of all ages – globally. By combining the real-life fearlessness of action sports with the fantasy and imagination of the brand, a thrilling vehicle experience introduced the world to Hot Wheels For Real.
This was brought to life with a world-record vehicle jump on a life-sized Hot Wheels track at the Indy 500, a 30-minute TV show on ABC, merchandising, a web series and new toy lines for the existing base. The world-record jump has been viewed over 100 million times.
As part of the original Hot Wheels For Real campaign we also created the first ever global ad in the 41-year-history of the Hot Wheels brand targeted at adults.
This work was recognized by numerous award shows, including the One Show and D&AD.
Copywriter: Melissa Stefanini
Art Director: Me